Visions of a larger iPhone 6 are stunning

Designers have been working up their fantasies for how the next iPhone may look. Take a look at two awesome concepts

The rumors that the iPhone 6 is finally growing up have stirred Apple fans with design chops to action.

Italian designer Federico Ciccarese has shown us his visions of a possible future iWatch or an iPhone Air in the past, and this week he got in touch again to share with us how he conceives of a bigger iPhone 6 with both 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch screens.

You can click through the gallery below of images created by Ciccarese, and also scroll to the bottom of this post for a separate video conception of the next iPhone. Ciccarese said he created his renderings based off reports of a 4.7-inch iPhone with a 750x1,338-pixel resolution and a 5.5-inch version with an 878x1,568 display.

Another designer duo has taken their iPhone 6 dreams a few steps further. Ran Avni of Israel and Enrico Penello of Italy teamed up to create the below video concept showing the larger iPhones.

Their concept adds a few more of the rumored features as well, including curved display glass, illuminated volume buttons, and higher display resolutions than those used in Ciccarese's concept.

Have a look for yourself, and let us now in the comments if this is everything you hope to see in the next iPhone.
