How to navigate being single on Valentine’s Day

Being single on Valentine's Day doesn't mean you need to follow the romantic comedy cliche of staying home brooding over your single status or love-bashing that happy couple strolling arm-in-arm down the street.
Many others are in the same boat, and you'll find there are actually a lot of things to celebrate about being single on V-Day.
We recently talked with Match.com relationship expert Ashley Howe to get her tips for how to navigate being single on the most romantic day of the year. Here's what she has to say:

Focus on the positive aspects of flying solo. Keep in mind that your friends and family who are in relationships may not necessarily be happier.
"Remember you don't know the ins and outs of their relationship," says Howe. "One of the best parts of being single on Valentine's Day is the absence of pressure to satisfy someone else. You're relieved of the stress of picking out the perfect present or planning a memorable date."
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Avoid engaging in "anti-Valentine's Day" sentiments or love-bashing with other single folks.
"While hosting an anti-Valentine's Day night might seem tempting, this will not make you feel better in the long run. Instead, focus on enjoying time with friends," Howe suggests.
Complaining to hooked-up friends about your single status is no way to garner sympathy. You should be sending the message that you are genuinely happy for them. If you're interested in dating, perhaps ask them to set you up.
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Spend time with your friends for a special night out and appreciate all the love you have in your life.
"It is important to feel grateful for the love that surrounds you every day, and because Valentine's Day is not just about romantic love, take this opportunity to celebrate who you love and feel love from those around you every day," says Howe.
Why not plan a ladies' or guys' night doing something unconventional, like visiting a karaoke bar or comedy show. Another great way to show appreciation for your loved ones is to send them 

Valentine's Day cards or gifts.

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Don't focus on your single status. If you can, distract yourself by spending the night doing something you love -- going solo to an exercise class, watching your favourite television show or cooking your favourite meal.

"Being single on Valentine's Day, especially when your friends are in relationships, may feel lonely but it's important to remember that it's not the end of the world," says Howe.
