Ways to make your page perfectly optimized

How to build the perfectly optimized page? – This is the question most webmasters keep repeatedly asking. But the simple fact is there is no straight answer to this question. Nonetheless, it is possible to think of some positive ways based on correlation studies, past experience and extensive testing to know how to achieve this.


The page title should employ the keyword term/phrase preferably as the opening word(s). It must be understood that this strategy has the highest correlation with high rankings.

Meta Description

Though major search engines do not recognize meta description for ranking purposes, it is an important factor nevertheless. Usage does help boost click-through rate, thus increasing the traffic derived from any ranking position.


Out of experience, it has been found that shorter URLs appear to fare better in the search results with greater possibilities of being copied/ pasted by other sites, shared and even linked.
Then you should be aware of the keyword location. The simple rule is - the closer the targeted keyword(s) are to the domain name, the more effective. That is to say, site.com/keyword performs better than site.com/folder/subfolder/keyword and is the well considered method of optimization. But, it must be admitted that this is certainly not any huge rankings benefit.
Notwithstanding the marginal URL benefit that sub-domains keyword usage may have over subfolders or pages, the search engines algorithms favor subfolders/pages to sub-domains. Next, the question of word separator in URL is a factor to reckon with. Hyphens continue to be the master of keyword separators in URLs. But the fact is underscores are also given equal credit but still hyphen should be your clear choice.

Keyword Density

It is difficult to unequivocally indicate the optimum number of times keyword term/phrase must be used on the page. The norm, however, is "2-3X on short pages, 4-6X on longer ones but the presence of keyword should not appear stuffed or artificially interpolated.
Keyword Density is what most SEO experts are obsessed with. It has to be accepted that frequent usage of a keyword term/phrase does improve targeting/ranking. But keyword density used out of context and irrelevantly can do more harm than good for rankings.
The theory that keyword usage variations throughout a page can help with content optimization is to an extent valid. But, SEO experts recommend employing one or two variations of a term and splitting up keyword phrases and using them in body copy.
Make it a point to write the content as informative as possible for the users. After writing the content, study it and consider rewriting parts for likely keywords variation – without damaging the readability of the content. For long, it was believed that H1 tag has great importance in on-page optimization. But recent studies have shown that this has a very little or no correlation with high rankings. H2/H3/H4/Hx are still lower in importance than the H1 but they may be applied if really required.
The truth is that trying to generate great web content, most people either forget or ignore or willfully disobey the best known practices. On-page optimization, despite its importance, is only one part of a larger rankings enigma. Interestingly, experienced SEO experts do not accord priority to on-page optimization in their quest for search engine top rankings.
