Check out Lindsay Lohan’s Certificate of Rehab Completion! What Are Her Next Steps?

Lindsay Lohan might be a good candidate for Lisa Kudrow's "Web Therapy" on Showtime, because she has some online therapy to do in her near future.
"Omg! Insider" got a hold of the certificate of completion letter written by Cliffside Malibu CEO Richard Taite and filed with Los Angeles Superior Court. In the letter addressed to The HonorableJames R. Dabney, Taite points out that his facility "couldn't be happier with the progress Ms. Lohan has made in building a solid foundation from which to continue the excellent work she has begun at Cliffside Malibu."
However, the center also recommends that it is "critical" for Lohan to continue with court ordered therapy — "specifically three fifty-minute sessions a week for the next eighteen months." Cliffside Malibu warns that without doing so and having "attendance verified once a month to ensure accountability, it is a set up for almost certain failure."
The letter outlines that "this should be done face to face while she is in town, and via skype or phone session if she is out of town."
Since LiLo tends to travel a lot, we sense there will be a lot of Skyping on the horizon.
Regardless, we're proud of Lindsay and we’re hoping this could be the turning point for her to finally get her career back on track.
Do you think she's going to stay on the straight and narrow this time?
